This add-on allows you to add a Survey to your website
To add the Survery add-on to your website, select the page you wish to add it to and then click on "Survey" in the Webpage Add-ons dropdown list. You will see the widget gets added to the first column of the page. Click on "to Manage Survey Click Here"
Click "Add New Question" to add a new question to your Survey
Enter the settings for your question:
Question name
Question Types: Text box - Field will be a text box
Radio Button - Field will show as a radio button, if radio button is selected, new fields will open and you can enter the layout and what the options are for each radio button
Checkbox - Field will show with checkboxes, if checkbox is selected, new fields will open and you can enter the layout and what the options are for each checkbox
Dropdown - Field will show as a dropdown option, if dropdown is selected, new fields will open and you can enter the layout and what the options are for each dropdown
Select "Is Active" if you would like this question to show on your Survey
Click "Submit" to add question
Click "View Results" to see results of your survey
See also