A coupon gives discounts to products in your store. You can add, edit or remove coupon in this section.
To enable Coupons for your Store, first click on "Ecommerce Presentation" in the left hand navigation bar of your Shopping Cart, and Select "Yes" in the Dropdown Menu
Once this is done, navigate back to the "Coupons" section and click "Add New Coupon" to add a new Coupon to your Store
The Add Coupon screen is where you will add the parameters of the Coupon you are adding
Coupon ID - You can either enter a manual coupon ID, or you can click "Generate Code" and a random ID will be generated
Discount Type - You can either select Price or Percentage. Price will be a fixed price that will be discounted from products. Percentage will be a % that is discounted from products
Discount Amount - Enter the discount amount, i.e 5.00 would be a $5.00 discount. If you chose Percentage as your Discount Type, you would enter the percentage discount in this field, i.e 10 would be a 10% discount
Expiration Type - You can either select Date or Quantity. Date would be a date that the coupon will be expire on. Quantity would be a certain amount of coupons allowed before the coupon expired
Notes - You can add any notes for the Coupon
Click "Add Coupon" when done
See also