Bulk Import
This section is where you can bulk import products into your catalog. You will need to download the Pre-formatted Excel Spreadsheet and add your products to it as per the examples given. You can then upload the file when completed using the "Upload Excel File" tool
Click "DOWNLOAD" to download the pre-formatted Excel spreadsheet which you can use as an example. Fields must be kept in this format to allow bulk uploads
In the Downloaded CSV file, * indicates mandatory fields. The help is given in eachcolumn for what type of entry you need to enter. Please refer our sample entry in CSV file and enter your products accordingly.
The mandatory columns are: SKU, Weight, ShippingCost, Price, RetailPrice, WholesalePrice, WholesalePrice2, WholesalePrice3, Stock and TrialAmount.
Columns which require further understand: CategoryID: The value for category, you will get this from the category list page in Ecommerce Control Panel. You have to enter the category Id in this column.
Weight: If your product is downloadable product then you can enter 0 in weight column.
If you have images then first upload all your images on the server and add the image name in the CSV file against each Product. Once the images are uploaded successfully, then Upload the CSV file.
Note: For uploading images please add all images in a single folder, create a zip file and upload it using "Upload Images"
Purge All - Any Existing data will be deleted prior to importing CSV data.
Overwrite Existing Data - Old data will still be preserved in your catalog. However, if a new entry from the CSV file has the same SKU as any current ones, the old one’s will be overwritten.
See also